About Me Hong Sar was born in Myanmar's Karen State in 1983 to Mon parents during a period of civil war. His family was forced to move after intense fighting and arson swept through his hometown. His father worked as a photographer and despite losing much of his camera gear during the fires, managed to re-establish a darkroom in their new home, where he taught his son how to develop film, sparking young Hong Sar’s interest in his future career. 
In 1999 Hong Sar at the age of 16 undertook a dangerous overland journey crossing from Myanmar into Thailand, in search of better education opportunities. He eventually enrolled in a school in a refugee camp. In 2004 he moved to the Thai town of Sangkhlaburi and started working as a journalist, whilst at the same time learning and experimenting with photography and photo-journalism. After 2 years in Sangkhlaburi Hong Sar moved to Mae Sot to continue his studies. Here he also learned about filmmaking and started working on migrant education programs as a photographer/ video editor. In 2010 he moved to Chiang Mai to assist a prominent Burmese media agency - Mizzima Mizzima Media . In early 2011 Hong Sar started working as a photographer and assistant video editor with the Human Right Education Institute of Burma (later renamed Equality Myanmar), documenting their projects and editing footage coming out of Myanmar.
In 2013 after Myanmar began a period of economic and political transition Hong Sar moved to Yangon where he returned to Mizzima, working as the organization’s chief photographer and photo editor. His role covered both the English and Burmese websites, as well as the weekly print Mizzima magazine  See work here.  Hong Sar has also done freelance photo and video work for the for BBC Myanmar story , Nikkei Nikkei Asia News and Time Creative Report Time Creative Report . He also did freelance work for the World Bank embed link in text 
In 2018 May Hong Sar took on a new role as a multimedia specialist at Pact Myanmar in Hpa An Karen State. While working at Pact Myanmar Hong Sar made documentaries about the organization’s community development projects Pact In Myanmar

For photo enquiries or other questions please contact Hong Sar 
email: dhongsar@gmail.com 
Phone: +1 (412) 808 6713

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